View Profile Nerd-02

20 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 43 Reviews

Very well done point-and-click game with quirky characters and cheeky writing. Cooking the egg caught me off guard and I loved the office-esque "punchline face" you do with Pound. His unwavering calm smile and naïve attitude do well juxtaposed to the crude and crass world around him.

The whole thing left me wanting another adventure. Hope to see one soon!

OrangePylon responds:

[Pound looks at camera]
[Pound cucks Roy]

Glad to see this game come to completion! Valve could learn a thing or two from you about seeing a project through to the end (heck, I could learn some of that too!). This game has great voice acting and music, and it's nice to see everyone credited so explicitly. It also carries your signature art style, though it was missing a bit of that signature writing! I was waiting for a sarcastic one-liner, but like a poorly treated wife, it never came.

The world contained a great compliment of environments and Pokémon which allowed it to feel bigger than what it was. I'm sure it must have been hard choosing the few you put in the game out of the 721 possible choices. The attacks also had a good amount of variance to them too, with a mixture of strength, speed, and precision. I'm also glad to see that you're continuing to update the game based on reviews! It's always nice to see edits based on the feedback rather than have the game released then forgot about.

Not being the most avid Pokémon player out there, I found myself wondering which attacks and Pokémon would be the best to use in different situations. The Pokédex helped but was unfortunately lacking in information on the boss characters--the ones I wanted to know about most!

It was also not uncommon to find yourself verses a wild Pokémon that could move and attack faster than you could, leading to some frustrating situations of smashing the keyboard in an attempt to break free of Eevee's merciless barrage only to find yourself warped back to the nearest Pokécentre. Oh, that's another thing. A bit of a death animation would have been nice! I was freaked out the first time I died, thought it was some kind of glitch!

In the end I'm glad I got a chance to play this start to finish. It was fun exploring the world, trying to capture the best Pokémon and then leveling up to fight a difficult boss. Great work on this one and I'm of course looking forward to seeing future projects!

OrangePylon responds:

Thanks, buddy. There are exactly two snarky one-liners in the game:

1. One of the loading screen hints suggests that if you're having trouble running Pokémon Campaign, to "use a system newer than Bill's model." It was supposed to be a cute reference, but it turned out that a lot of people actually had trouble running it, so now I look like a jerk.

2. Try talking to Juniper in Canvas Town, then asking her how to talk to people.

Also, when I still had the Professor as Oak in the script, I had him remark "Oh, damn!" as you tell him about the final boss. You of all people would have appreciated that, I'm sure.

The type effectiveness in the Pokédex was an afterthought, and was only added a few weeks ago. Since the Pokédex was originally for looking up where to find Pokémon, I never thought to include bosses' weaknesses. You're right, it would have been nice.

Mystery Dungeon sprites don't have a death animation (I know, right?) so I did the best I could with a quick fade.

Thanks for the meaty review!

Simple fun game

I really liked the 8-bit graphics for this game and the audio you used fit it perfectly. I also found the animation was very well done.

One thing I found weird is that after you complete a level you don't get your hearts back that you lost, and the game does get old fast.

Overall it's a great game but very simple. It would have been nice to see some more dynamic features, like a way to shoot mail at enemies or some collectibles to keep the player interested as the game progresses. Looking forward to seeing more :)

OrangePylon responds:

Hey, faggot. I'm the new king of Comm. Tech. class at school now. Have fun at university with your doctor-ing and SHIT. I'm gonna stay right here and play with mailmen and raptors while you can perform open-DICK surgery. Truly I am living YOUR dream.

Disclaimer: I know this guy really well and he was famous for being the best at everything Flash at school til he left for university and I came around.

Needs lots of work.

First of all the music was very loud and had nothing to do with the...game. Actually, first of all this isn't a game. Second the music didn't fit, find something better. The graphics were unrecognizable. Use sprites or trace a picture.

Naurkiller responds:

i dont think tracing is a good idea, i like to keep it original.

Nice games, but fustrating.

Really liked the art in this game, great work on that. The music was good too. The mini games themselves are straight forward and fun, although I did have one problem.

You need to beat the games in a specific order. This is frustrating and seems redundant. The mini games should all be available and you should be able to choose the ones that look fun. If one is too challenging for you, or it's not fun, you can move on to the next.

This way you can stop people from getting frustrated because they can't beat level 2 and give poor reviews, and allow them to browse your nice selection of games.

Prid-Outing responds:

WOW! Thank you. I'll remember that for my next game! A thousand thanks!

Like a text book.

This tutorial could be helpful...but I'm not sure how many people don't understand variables. I can see if this was a part of a larger tutorial, but a whole tutorial on variables? You had a part where you showed how to make a simple game. Why not make the tutorial on that? You had like 5 frames talking about variables, and only like 2 about some pretty hard stuff to get for beginners. To me it should have been the other way around.

Also, it wasn't very flash like. It was more like a text book. There's text, pages, and a few images here and there. If you're gonna make a flash tut you need more examples like the one you showed with the two balls, lol two balls.

IceWave-Z responds:

go shove chocolate pudding up your nose (i coul'd have thought of a better insult but I'm hungry)

Art work could be better.

This quiz was alright, not much of a brawl fanatic but I do play it. The questions were ok, some kind of random facts you seemed to have taken off Wikipedia or something.

My main point is that the art for this game could be a lot better. The buttons where white boxes, the BG was a standard gradient which even sometimes makes it hard to read the questions. And that is basically it. It's just questions and white boxes for answers. Something a little more flashy would have been nice. Maybe animated buttons, an interesting BG, some more sounds. These would have all added to the effect of the game.

HellBentGoose responds:

I'm thinking of making a 4th one, so if I do, I'll take your advice

I <3 you're art :3

You are very good at drawing and animating and a pretty good programmer too it seems. I liked this game and loved watching the animations. Only problem I had is that it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE to hit the friken ball. I can hit it like once or twice before it miss it. I'm guessing that it's probably my fault, but maybe if the area that the ball hits was a bit bigger it would be a bit better :P An excellent game

FleckoGold responds:

Not impossible. A lot of people that have played have gotten it down. Just get the timing down, (look at the instructions screen to determine just about where the hit box is, the aiming works just the same as a plain breakout game) and you'll be a winner in no time. It still gets challenging when there are only a few targets left, though. I recommend that you don't hit the ball as hard on those. Thanks for the review!


Almost there...

This is an alright flash game, I like the idea that you need to solve riddles, but the riddles were a bit too easy to solve. Also, you're going to need instructions, animation, and most important AUDIO. Every flash needs audio, we're past the silent film stage. You can get great BGM right here on NG in the audio section.

GennisaMG responds:

thanks for the advice. this was just so my teacher knew I could use buttons. lol.

A very entertaining game.

This game was a nice one, very fun and kept me entertained the whole way through. However, I do have some complaints.

First of all the level design seems to be random and some of the first levels are harder then the latter ones, which makes the game a little less dramatic as the last few levels don't seem much harder then the rest. In my opinion the game was too easy. I found my self blowing through the levels and only died once because there was no wall on the far right of the stage and I fell off. In fact, some of the levels don't pose any challenge at all except for a lone enemy, idle at the corner of the level. One final complaint, what is with the 'continue' system?? You just pick a level and it sends you there, no passwords or anything. For me this feature would either need to have passwords or just to be cut out.

Now for what I liked. Though this game was simple it was enjoyable. The art, the style, and especially the 4chan humor really makes this game fun to play. The platforming AS is done great (though that doesn't get you any bonus points because it's easy to find those types of codes on the Internets).The ending cut scene was animated great, and I loved the 'IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER' and pokemon only fainting jokes. This game isn't the greatest platformer out there but it could be one of the funniest and I bet it's the most internet-y. Great game. :)

OrangePylon responds:

Thanks! The levels didn't pose a challenge, but they're not exactly supposed to. It's more supposed to be a game you can play through rather than one that poses a challenge... I don't even know what the hell I'm saying. Some levels don't have many enemies, but they're usually the ones that at least make you stop and think for a second or 2 or end up making you go the wrong way. If the difficulty thing is that big a problem to you, then play the game backwards. ;)

The continue system wouldn't work with passwords. What would be the point? If you lose all your lives, only to type in a password, and start at the same level, what would be the point of having a life system? It's also convenient for those who blow at platformers and just want to see the ending. Starting over at level 1 every time would just be annoying. If the continue system were something different, people would complain about that. Anyway, I'm ranting on about something not worth the rant.

Thank you for your great review and the compliments.

Yo! Nerd here. I'm part of Orange Pylon a flash animation "company". My specialty is AS, I'm not that great at drawing. :P -- 15 year old me This profile is an archive of how sototallyrandumb XD of a teenager I was.


Some job @ Loeb's :P


Canada, eh

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